Update! DAy 1 n 2

OK i shall not procastinate any more.. Upon arrival at airport i bade farewell to King how, then xz and heikki, my shuai tutor who plays floorball (and more importantly has a CAR with a damn nice GPS system) came to meet me, so i was lucky enough to sit in a comfy 20 min car ride to my hostel unlike the rest who had to lug their luggage by bus and across the slippery roads. I kid u not, u better have boots cos' even with my columbia boots which are same as zhengmin's, i still found it hard to walk around.. its seriously like ice skating.. They try to sprinkle gravel n sand on the roads but there are still places overlooked. Anyway, i went to my room, unpacked, and went to shop for stuff. There is a nearby supermarket(Alepa and K mart) 5 mins away but everything is really expensive here. There are a total of 9 of us from NUS(to my surprise), me, xz, zm, kaijun, jinfu, dai da, ivan, Wu zhe, and yang kai.. so we were like dominant during the orientation..The tutor even commented we could form a soccer team.. which we intend to here..

The rest having dinner(me, jf, daniel and zm)
i bought a lan cable(E5.40)[yes i brought a phone cable instd of lan cable], bought groceries like bread and cornflakes, had dinner at Hesburger(E5.15), then we went to zhengmin's apartment where he shared wif his spanish roommate Danielle who is a cock.
I sampled a bit of zm's cooking, pasta wif sausage(1st meal) and then we headed back to our place... did i mention transport is damn expensive.. E2.20 for abt 7 bus stops away to zm house , and 2.20 back.. that is practically 8 sing dollars for a trip to n fro. I went back to sleep off my jet lag..

The next day, i did all my admin stuff. Went to pay my rent (192 + 200 euros), settled the housing stuff, then went to the main building to enrol in the school. We met our tutors there wif another Estonian and Spaniard who juz came too. So after settling the computer accounts, we went to this canteen within campus to have lunch.. This lunch is the most hwa meal in finland.. student price 2 euro.. (too bad only got lunch).. other foodstuffs elsewhere are exorbitant. Nice heikki then fetched us to the neighbouring town to do our travel pass(40 euros for a mth to alleviate the travel costs). I found out many interesting things abt finland.. they have this wife carrying competition where u are supposed to carry ur wife or a woman accross a lake.. Icehockey, skiiing is quite popular here too.. the road signs here are in finnish and swedish.. Some facts now.. It is 6 hours before Sg time, so it is kinda hard to catch me online.. and i apologise for not being able to chat cos i m either in xz room(which is 3 rooms away) or i am cooking( or trying to cook or trying to learn)... the euro is twice of the sg dollar, and there is only daylight from 8 am to 4 pm.. it is supposed to be very cold right now but somehow it isnt as cold as expected.. i m not supposed to see any greenery here.. but i can!! The 1st day was cold but once the sun is out, it is not tat unbearable. IT is really hard walking when it rains which it did on the 1st day and it is only cold due to the wind chills.. i haven seen any snow yet ... but the weather seems to be topsy turvy, it is supposed to get colder but it is getting warmer.. perhaps global warming?? we then went back for dinner and tried cooking our 1st meal! which is rice wif tomato ketchup and sausage and lettuce wif ikanbilis sauce brought from sg.. see xz blog for how to cook( http://xnz-2006.blogspot.com/2006/01/settling-in.html).. we then headed for the exchange students sauna welcome party...
Doesn't look cold right? Can see green lei...!!
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