Backtrack 1: Sweden/Norway
11th Apr Viking line: Helsinki -> Stockholm
The start of my journey began when i boarded the Rosella to Stockholm. I had calculated the cheapest way of travel to Sweden and Norway and it seems that buying the Scanrail was very worth it. Hence on board the ferry ALONE... the 14 hrs ride to Sweden .. I had to either become ultra sociable or juz coop up.. so i decided to firstly watch a movie.. 5.50 euro for a nice show.. Casanova. it was really quite a gd show..

I was a bit apprehensive cos' at 10 pm when i went back, got this guy suddenly check in.. African guy started stripping and offered me some lotion.. as if he wanted me to help me apply.. and cos i just watched eurotrip, i was a bit scared he would be like the italian guy.. in any case i bathed and went to the club alone... the dance floor was damn interesting.. can see guys trying to chat up gals and fights almost breaking up.. i grooved til abt 3 am then i went back to bed..
12th Apr (stockholm, oslo)
With my backpack, i went to Gamla Stan(old town of Sweden) to walk around before my train to Norway at 1300 hrs. I went inside the money museum and went to watch the change of guards at the Royal palace which i felt was better than the Buckingham one where my view was obscured.. this one the military band was so wayang!

Sidetrack: Here are the various g

anyway, i walked ard the stockholm city centre a while before boarding the train to Goteborg (pronounced utaboy) to transfer to Oslo.. As usual, the long lonely 9 hr ride to Oslo was terrible, only assuaged by the fact that there was free coffee! ahhh the benefits of scanrail.. and the trains all damn high tech.. all sensor button and techology! norway really has the best trains.. and the most ex.. i reached oslo at 10 pm plus.. and got a bit flustered cos i couldnt get seat reservations for the nxt day which was good friday..

13th Apr (Oslo,Myrdal, Flam, Gudvangen, Voss, Bergen)
We followed the recommended tour of Norway in a Nutshell.. which is simply Oslo -> Myrdal where we changed to the Flam Railway which is an engineering miracle because it traverses dunno how many km up a gradient of dunno how many... think only CE peeps will wanna know this boring details.. we had a few splendid views along the way... nature and winter, waterfalls and scenery.. peacefulness personified

look at rice laksa and nasi goreng.. ji pei!
then after that we reached Bergen.. we spent a night at this nice hostel.. i think all our norway accomms damn gd la.. altho the exterior looks dodgy, but interior is machiam hotel like tat...
14th Apr (Bergen)
Sadly, we woke up the nxt day to find the fish market closed cos it was Good Friday. The previous nights we had taken a few picturesque views of the city and harbour at night. We took the Floibanen Funicular up to the mountains that morning.. and to save money and to experience, we walked all the way down

The Old town of Bergen and On top of Mt Floyen
After our scenic adventure trekking down the mini alps of norway, we prepared to head back to oslo... the tumultous long journey back to oslo yet again.. but this time i was separated from the rest cos diff carriage... bored to death, i soon made a norwegian fren! So interesting.. he mastering in political science and was interested in the oil debacle in india.. russia and dunno wat.. cos this indian behind me also chap in the conversation then talk high level stuff while i had to juz keep nodding as if i understood a word.. Before i left, they actually warned me abt skippergata.. got pai kia and prostitutes they say.. we made it back to our comfy home and prepared for the nxt 2 days in oslo..
15th Apr (Oslo)
Sharon and Sharmaine left cos they thot oslo nthg to see le.. we ate the buffet breakfast at our hostel and bought the day pass and went to the museums le... the musuem freaks amy n sn ji excited.. like gg on sch excursion like tat... so we covered the Fram, Kontiki and dunno wat museum b4 taking a ferry back home.. and then we headed to the ski jump and back for dinner before going to the sculpture garden for pics..
(ski jump, skane church, fram museum)
Along the way, we visited the folk musuem which was quite cool with its folk stuff and its portrayal of the various olden houses and folklore.. in line wif easter celebrations we also painted an easter egg! after being inspired by the easter egg exhibition that we witnessed.. i drew grace, jenny drew some pattern while emmy drew this lovely scenery which had a nice castle.. the teachers amy/grace then graded us and failed me :(
look like nordic queen wat... i took art classes when young.. so bad meh...
and then the garden of nudity, orgy and people amalgated into sculptures.. there were a couple of middle east pple there.. maybe change of guards ala house of wax... that was the night where i got propositioned too.. ji happy.. the gals abandoned me n i had to walk alone on my seedy street so i was approached twice.. "hey, u wanna have sex?", "no?, why not?" and the other gal.. "hey darling, you wanna have sex?"... imba la..
16th Apr (oslo, lund)
After the bf, we went to royal palace to take pics b4 heading back to hostel to prepare to leave norway.. on the way, i made a decision that altered the whole course of my easter trip.. i decided to go dublin and before tat, i decided to lund, malmo and CPH too.. to be updated again...
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